The game is fully tested & guaranteed to work. It’s the cartridge / disc only unless otherwise specified.
Jeanne d’Arc Sony PSP Game tested and guaranteed to work!
Region:NTSC (N. America)
———This game is fully cleaned, tested & working. Includes the Disc/Cartridge Only. May have some minor scratches/scuffs.This description was last updated on October 28th, 2020.
johnny –
I thought this was an amazing game. It has this great animated cut scenes/characters/art/music/story and gameplay. The difficulty progressed naturally as you progress through the game and offered up challenge. It didn’t feel stale even hours into the game. If you love tactical games this is a game you have to play.
Kelli –
I am really enjoying this game so far. The only thing I hate is the frog, Cuisses. That thing annoys me. I dont care if somewhere down the road he will be helpful, I do not like him. Other than that the game is fantastic. Would recommend anyone who like strategy RPGs to buy.
Sturner –
I love this game. Great story and fun strategy to plot out. There are many levels and games with in games… battles and practices… not violent… no gory scenes. I still have it and will play it again…. This is a keeper. Totally enjoyment on the PSP.
Christopher Barrett –
I feel that it would be unfair to compare this game to Final Fantasy Tactics, mainly because FFT is the better SRPG. This is mainly due to the deep customization of the various jobs in FFT. While you do have some customization in Jeanne d’Arc, it is pretty up front and does not allow for the intense tweaking you get in FFT, nor the necessity of hundreds of level grinding optional battles in FFT.This game reminds me a LOT of Vandal Hearts. Which is a good thing! There is very little in this game that you don’t know before doing. Let me explain. You get to see the battle layout before you add your units. You get to see the hit % and damage # estimate before attacking, as well as the counter hit % and damage # estimate from your opponent as well. This means very rarely do you take an action without knowing what will happen. And pretty much everyone (except archers) will counter, very much like Vandal Hearts. Even the more colorful stage settings remind me of the art in Vandal Hearts. Just no blood fountains on kills…The game is pretty easy. Not to say you won’t see the game over screen a lot. But it seems that the AI is rather cheap in this game and when you do end up with a game over, it’s not usually a total defeat, but something you failed to accomplish. For example, in one stage I was fighting some baddies and the terms to lose were if Jeanne died. So I was careful and was just pounding the baddies into submission. Then come to find out the cheap enemy comm.
Anthony L. –
So much depth, too bad the psp never reached popularity the DS had. This is one of those PSP games that is classic but because it was on the PSP, it will stay obscure.
SheridanNitzsche –
I went out on a limb when I bought this game, I’m very picky about the games I play. So when I bought this one I was hoping it would be fun, I did all the research on the internet, I watched video’s on it also, so I finally bought it. WOW let me say that this is the best game I’ve ever bought for my PSP It’s really fun and very addicting once you get in to it. It’s a Tactical or Strategy RPG which ever one you would want to call it. My only problem with it so far is there is a limited variety in fighters. I wish there could be a way to have a more different variety in characters and weapons. But I’m only on Chapter 5 so it might get that way the more I get into it. But the game is very fun, easy to control, and understand. If you’ve never played a T-RPG or S-RPG then give this game a try. It has a great story and you’ll be amazed.
Mike B –
fast shipping for sure! item exactly as described.
Brian –
If you like Tactics based games and have a PSP, this game is definitely worth getting. The story is an alternate reality version of the 100 Years War and the story of Joan of Arc. The learning curve isn’t very high especially if you have played games like Fire Emblem or Final Fantasy Tactics. I spent about 35 hours playing the game and was very satisfied. The only negative thing that I can think of is that there are no subtitles for the cutscenes. So if you play your PSP somewhere and don’t usually have headphones, you can get a little lost in the story, but you should be able to figure it out. The characters are voiced by French voice actors since the characters are French and all, which was a little annoying, but their aren’t all that many cutscenes so it isn’t a huge deal.
PreciousBergnaum –
Interesting stylistic interpretation of the Jeanne D’Arc story. I enjoyed the story and the cut scenes. The side quests were generally uninteresting but provided unique items. Battle system was solid, no strategy seemed particularly overpowered.
delrocco –
This was a great game, especially for Final Fantasy Tactics fans.