The game is fully tested & guaranteed to work. It’s the cartridge / disc only unless otherwise specified.
Mario and Luigi Partners in Time Nintendo DS Game
PRODUCT DETAILS Mario and Luigi Partners in Time – DS Game
Platform:Nintendo DS
Region:Region Free
———This game is fully cleaned, tested & working. Includes the Disc/Cartridge Only. May have some minor scratches/scuffs.This description was last updated on October 28th, 2020.
J. Nichols –
I’m so glad I listened to the fine reviewers on retrolio and bought this game … it was worth every penny and then some!! It has a lot of really great game play and I love how the babies are used in conjunction with the adults to accomplish various tasks. I feel like the game play is also very natural for the characters … you wouldn’t feel right about Mario and Luigi casting spells like the characters from Final Fantasy, but it’s perfect to have them jumping and smashing with hammers and flinging turtle shells. And as weird as that sounds, it makes for a great RPG. Lots of good side-missions too, like collecting the beans. Wonderful game!!
O.D. Flores –
it was a gift for my son and he loves it
Frank –
I love the Mario & Luigi saga. There are great games
Christopher Barksdale –
Good timing and quality!
RozellaKunde –
Took an extremely long time to get here but he loves it so it all worked out.
Victor Battistini –
Good game. Day shipping
LadyTiga –
Sehr viel Spielspaß, dadurch das man nicht nur Mario und Luigi ist, sondern auch die MiniVariante als Baby davon.Man steuert sie gleichzeitig über A und B, sowie über X und Y.Am Anfang eine Umstellung.Das Spiel ist wie alle Teile toll gemacht, wer ein Fan ist, sollte es natürlich unbedingt ausprobieren.
David Michael Williamson –
I love the Mario RPG games. They are a great break from the normal type of side scroller. Thanks For this great game Nintendo.
Mandi H. Wong –
I was a bit nervous to get this game because I am not really a big gamer and there are not two but four characters to control but I was pleasantly suprised but how informative the game was on how to control the players’ different attacks.The game also has a lot of funny parts that will definitely make you laugh and there is never a repetitive and dull moment.The only drawback is that once you are done with the game, you can’t go back and redo any of the levels.
HS Bachmann –
I bought this game on behalf of my boyfriend as a present for my brother on his birthday, I didn’t do much research on the product which is very unusual for me as I like to check things out thoroughly first before purchasing. However the game has gone down a blast and is yet to leave my brothers DSi one month later (he is now 16). I advise any Mario & Lugi fans to indulge themseleves and buy this game, as it offers a new and exciting adventure yet to be played!